Monday, January 4, 2010

Valley Forge

Today we visited Valley Forge. As you will notice there are no pictures of Audrey at any of the historic sites. It was so cold that we took turns getting out to look at stuff and left her in the car most of the time. Chad, Miriam and Jonathon had already been to VF but it was my trip. It was pretty neat. It would have been nice if we could have done some more walking around, but it was just too cold. Both the park gift shop and the private gift shop nearby were closed for inventory. Note to self: don't visit next time on the first business day of the new year.

Audrey as a solider.

Reproduction of a soldier's hut. Even though they aren't original, the park ranger said some of them are 100 years old. It's hard to believe, but there were at least 12 soliders living in one of these little huts.

National Memorial Arch. Note the flag blowing.

Underside of the arch

Stable at the Potts House.

Potts House, where George Washington and his staff wintered at Valley Forge. He actually paid rent. I figured the army just took residence where ever they pleased, but not GW. I loved the brick on these houses. Too cool. The interior reminded me of our Binsfeld farmhouse in Germany - very similar.

Train station constructed in the early 20th century to bring tourists from Philadelphia. It was rendered obsolete by the personal automobile, but it was recently restored.

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