Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rick Astley

This appeared yesterday in the Startribune:

Rick Rolling (

Could '80s pop singer Rick Astley really be that popular? Video clips of his No.1 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up" have received nearly 4.5 million views on YouTube -- and nearly every one of them was the result of a prank called Rick Rolling. It originates in online forums where threads discuss, say, some hot video game, a buxom babe or a naughty website. "Anyone have a link?" someone invariably posts. "Here's one," a jokester replies. An unsuspecting click then leads to the video of Astley, he of the burly voice and the girly dance moves. A-ha, Rick Rolled again!

I think it's too funny. I used to love Rick Astley. I had one of his tapes and used to listen to it in my Walkman. I'm probably responsible for at least 20 hits of the millions they are talking about. At some point I discovered that You Tube has lots of "old" videos you can watch. If you don't know who Rick Astley is, you have to check out the link above. Here are of my other favorites:


Unknown said...

Um, did NKOTB always look so darn young?

Katie said...

I don't remember them looking so young either, but Joey looks about 10!