Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family and Fair

Summer is coming to a close and our house is all of a sudden very quiet.

Aunt "Zoozie" Suzie with Andy

Audrey wanted to hold Andy, for about two seconds and then she tried to push him off her lap

Long day at The MN State Fair

Girls at the fair

Best sweet corn ever. It may have something to do with that bucket of butter they dunk it into before they hand it to you . . . .

The only food item Audrey was interested in the fair "mi mi" milk

Grandma "mama" and Grandpa Johnson with the kiddos

Mommy and Audrey's matching shoes

Just being cute

Impromptu retirement party

Close up of the retirement cheesecake

Audrey on the "weeee"

Finley trying to score some grub

Audrey and Grandpa on the slide

Grandpa and and unhappy Andy

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